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No. Wood, like pellets, is a natural and renewable fuel, a source of clean and sustainable thermal energy.
During the combustion of wood and pellets, in fact, the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted is the same amount that plants have first absorbed in order to develop and that, when they die, would return to the atmosphere through the normal degradation processes of organic matter, in a natural, zero-impact circular flow.
Choosing woody biomass for domestic heating is therefore a responsible decision that positively affects the environment and helps mitigate climate change.
Wood to be used as fuel must have a moisture content of less than 20 per cent and must be stored in a dry place. Damp wood makes lighting more difficult, as more energy is required to evaporate the water present. The moist content also has the disadvantage that, as the temperature drops, the water condenses earlier in the firebox, causing a considerable soot deposit.