WiFi Module - Black label | La Nordica - Extraflame
La Nordica - Extraflame

WiFi Module - Black label

Remote control module via Wi-Fi system (TOTAL CONTROL 2.0 app) *

Remote control module via WiFi system. The device uses the Intenet of the room where it is positioned and it connects the app TOTAL CONROL 2.0. Learn more here
* While stocks last



Download the TOTAL CONTROL 2.0 version compatible for your devices.


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La Nordica S.p.A.: RI VI - CF - P. Iva IT00182840249 - Capitale Sociale 8.300.000 Euro i.v.
Extraflame S.p.A.: RI VI - CF - P. Iva IT00546030248 - Capitale Sociale 6.000.000 Euro i.v.

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