La Nordica Extraflame: Dealers
La Nordica - Extraflame

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Where can I buy La Nordica-Extraflame products?

If you are interested in purchasing a La Nordica-Extraflame product, we recommend that you contact the authorised dealers in your area. You can find the references of your nearest sales point here

Do you have a showroom open to the public in your company?

No, we do not have a showroom open to the public in the company. You can find our products on display in the showrooms of La Nordica-Extraflame dealers in the area. Find your nearest sales outlet here

Where can I find prices for La Nordica-Extraflame products?

To find out the prices of our products we invite you to contact authorised La Nordica-Extraflame dealers. By commercial choice we do not directly communicate the price of the products as the cost of the item itself is only a part of the total expense, which also includes any inspection and installation. Every situation is different and requires specific evaluations and interventions that our dealers are able to quantify with a customised estimate. Our advice is therefore to rely on the experience and professionalism of our dealers who will provide you with all the necessary support. Find your nearest sales outlet here

I need information on one of your products, who can I contact?

For more information on our products, please contact your nearest dealer who will be able to provide you with all the support you need. You can find your nearest dealer by clicking here

If you haven't already done so, you can search for the product you are interested in in the products" section of our website and consult the dedicated page where you will find the technical data and characteristics of the model, as well as all downloadable documentation.

I have a problem with my product and need assistance, who can I contact?

Service on our products is offered directly by our authorised dealers or service centres. In case of need, we recommend that you first contact the retailer where you purchased your product. In case the retailer does not provide you with the information you need, you can contact one of our Service Centres near you, which you can find here

Where can I buy spare parts for my product?

Spare parts for La Nordica-Extraflame products can be obtained from your trusted dealer and authorised service centres.

Where can I find documentation for my product?

You can download the documents for your model directly from our website by visiting the product page or the Manuals section, where you will also find the models no longer in production.

Who can I turn to for the maintenance of my product?

For the maintenance of La Nordica-Extraflame products we always recommend that you rely on a qualified technician, such as our service centres. You can find the one nearest to you by clicking here

How do I choose the firewood to buy?

Wood to be used as fuel must have a moisture content of less than 20 per cent and must be stored in a dry place. Damp wood makes lighting more difficult, as more energy is required to evaporate the water present. The moist content also has the disadvantage that, as the temperature drops, the water condenses earlier in the firebox, causing a considerable soot deposit.

Does wood heating pollute?

No. Wood, like pellets, is a natural and renewable fuel, a source of clean and sustainable thermal energy. During the combustion of wood and pellets, in fact, the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted is the same amount that plants have first absorbed in order to develop and that, when they die, would return to the atmosphere through the normal degradation processes of organic matter, in a natural, zero-impact circular flow. Choosing woody biomass for domestic heating is therefore a responsible decision that positively affects the environment and helps mitigate climate change.

How much wood should I load in my stove?

Each model has a recommended amount of wood to be loaded for proper operation of the appliance. You can find the precise indication in your product's user manual.

How do I choose the pellets to buy?

When purchasing pellets, our recommendation is to always choose quality fuel that is certified EN plus class A1 according to ISO 17225-2 (ENplus-A1, DIN Plus or NF 444 category high quality wood pellet fuel), the only fuel that is controlled throughout the supply chain. High-quality pellets, stored properly in a closed, dry place, enable optimal combustion and proper operation of your appliance's generator.

How should I store the pellets?

It is recommended to store the pellets in a closed, dry place to ensure optimal combustion and proper operation of the generator. Humidity in fact compromises the quality of the pellets and their combustion.

Does pellet heating pollute?

No. Pellets, like wood, are a natural and renewable fuel, a source of clean and sustainable thermal energy. During the combustion of pellets and wood, in fact, the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted is the same amount that plants have first absorbed in order to develop and that, when they die, would return to the atmosphere through the normal degradation processes of organic matter, in a natural, zero-impact circular flow. Choosing woody biomass for domestic heating is therefore a responsible decision that positively affects the environment and helps mitigate climate change.

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La Nordica S.p.A.: RI VI - CF - P. Iva IT00182840249 - Capitale Sociale 8.300.000 Euro i.v.
Extraflame S.p.A.: RI VI - CF - P. Iva IT00546030248 - Capitale Sociale 6.000.000 Euro i.v.

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