Switching to a biomass heating system



Do you have a gas or natural gas heating system but are thinking of changing to a biomass system? That is understandable. After all, biomass systems have great advantages: they save you money on your bills and help the environment. In this article you will find everything you need to know about biomass heating, how it works, its advantages and installation. Read on!

What is biomass and how do they produce thermal energy?

Let us start, as usual, with the basics. What is biomass? The European Directive, which is used as a basis for all relevant legislation, including national legislation, defines biomass as 'the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues of biological origin from agriculture (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries, including fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste'. These are waste products from other industries that can find a new life by being transformed into fuel and producing heat directly or energy indirectly. 

Of all biomasses, the most widely used are woody biomasses, i.e. from the agro-forestry and wood industries. Woody biomass includes firewood and pellets, natural and renewable fuels that can be used for domestic heating as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. 

Most biomasses produce heat or energy through combustion: in the case of stoves, the wood or pellets are burned inside the closed firebox safely generating heat for your home.

Why do they help the environment?

Biomass power plants and biomass home heating systems promote the reuse of waste, solving its storage and destruction, two important issues in their production cycle. Not only that, energy and heat produced from biomass are clean and renewable, with a low environmental impact. 

Let us go into some detail. 

What does it mean that energy produced from biomass is clean? It is quickly said. The use of biomass as fuel contributes to reducing the C0₂ impact on the environment, as the carbon dioxide emitted for their use in energy production is the same as the carbon dioxide that the plants first absorbed to develop and that upon their death would return to the atmosphere through the normal degradation processes of organic matter, in a natural, zero-impact circular flow. Moreover, thanks to the introduction of new high-tech solutions, the combustion of wood and pellets in La Nordica-Extraflame products becomes increasingly efficient, with a substantial reduction in emissions guaranteed and certified by the most prestigious European quality marks and the strictest eco-compatibility standards.

The economic advantage

The advantages of biomass heating systems are not only environmental, but also economic. Heating with wood or pellets provides significant savings on your utility bill. In many European countries including Italy, moreover, choosing to replace an old system with a state-of-the-art biomass system gives you access to incentives that allow you to save on the purchase price. In Italy, for example, you can save up to 65% thanks to the Conto Termico incentives by purchasing a new biomass product to replace another appliance for heating your home.

Biomass heating systems: our advice

If you choose to heat your home with wood or pellets, we recommend that you always buy fuel of certified quality, which ensures clean combustion and proper operation of the heater. Choosing the fuel is therefore crucial, so we recommend that you always consult the user manual of your model, where you will find all the necessary information, and read our in-depth article here to learn how to recognise quality pellets. 

In addition to aesthetic taste, when choosing a wood or pellet stove, other, more technical aspects must be taken into account and properly assessed, which relate to the condition of the home in which the product will be installed. But for this there are our dealers and specialised technicians capable of assessing all the necessary variables to advise you on the most suitable model for your needs and the configuration of your home. 

We also recommend that you always rely on the professionalism of qualified technicians for installation and periodic maintenance, who are able to carry out all the necessary assessments for a safe and legally compliant installation.

In short, this general background should have given you an idea of what it means to switch to a biomass heating system and its advantages. If you have any other doubts, contact professionals in your area who will be able to show you the way forward.

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