Our Commitment
La Nordica-Extraflame's home heating solutions represent our commitment to promoting the use of renewable energy sources, such as wood and pellets. Discover the pleasure of the natural warmth of fire that transforms your home into a cosy refuge and enables a balance with the environment. Leaving our planet as intact as possible for future generations: a goal that is also possible through the use of biomass.
Feeling at home is a natural choice.
Renewable energy
The sustainability of biomass
Wood and pellets - the so-called ‘biomass’ - are natural and renewable energy sources. Their use for domestic heating, compared to fossil fuels, helps reduce the impact on the environment. During combustion, they emit an amount of CO₂ more or less corresponding to that which is absorbed by these plants during the growth phase and which, upon their death, would return to the atmosphere through the normal degradation processes of organic matter, in a natural circular flow with zero impact.