Guarantee Terms | La Nordica - Extraflame
La Nordica - Extraflame

La Nordica S.p.A. and Extraflame S.p.A. products are guaranteed, within the European community, for 24 months from the date of purchase. Purchase has to be proved by means of a valid fiscal document issued by the seller (receipt, invoice or shipment document) identifying the purchased product and its purchase and/or delivery date. 

This conventional guarantee does not replace the guarantee regulated by the European legislation on consumer rights. The conventional guarantee is only applicable to the Italian region and to those areas, within the European Community, where the Authorised Technical Assistance Centres are active (see the website) It is also limited to the state of residence of the consumer, which must coincide with the premises and/or registered office of the seller of the La Nordica S.p.A. product These regulations do not apply if the product is purchased within commercial, entrepreneurial, or professional circumstances. In these cases the product guarantee will be limited to a period of 12 months from the date of purchase.




Wood Products - La Nordica S.p.A.


Pellet Products - Extraflame S.p.A.



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Find your nearest dealer

La Nordica S.p.A.: RI VI - CF - P. Iva IT00182840249 - Capitale Sociale 8.300.000 Euro i.v.
Extraflame S.p.A.: RI VI - CF - P. Iva IT00546030248 - Capitale Sociale 6.000.000 Euro i.v.

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