Automatic pellet loading kit 660l | La Nordica - Extraflame
La Nordica - Extraflame

Automatic pellet loading kit 660l

Automatic loading pellet stocking tank

Pellet storage system with fuel transfer by pneumatic system. They allow you to make practical use of the available space by improving the autonomy of the pellet systems.
Characteristics: - Can be placed up to 10 meters from the boiler - Difference in height 2 meters - Easy to install (already assembled) - Minimum pellet level probe (loading block) - Galvanized sheet structure - Adjustable feet - Possibility to increase the capacity through elevation modules of 20 or 30 cm (optional)




Modulo Estensione

Modulo Estensione




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La Nordica S.p.A.: RI VI - CF - P. Iva IT00182840249 - Capitale Sociale 8.300.000 Euro i.v.
Extraflame S.p.A.: RI VI - CF - P. Iva IT00546030248 - Capitale Sociale 6.000.000 Euro i.v.

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